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Sunday, April 20, 2008

NAnt build with TFS changeset as revision number

This code sample is a nant script that
  • deletes the CommonAssembly.cs file (linked to all projects)
  • uses the nant asminfo task to recreate the CommonAssembly.cs file, but after we query TFS for the changeset (revision) number which is used in the version number
  • build the solution in release mode using the ide.exe (there are other - better ways, but this one works)
  • xcopy files to C:\temp\{app} and clean up all the source files

basically I just put together a few bits that I found on other blogs (should have saved the urls - doh!), most were related to using svn for source control and then I added in the code block for the c# stuff to query TFS.

A quick note about the linked CommonAssembly.cs file, visual studio has an option when you are adding an existing file to a project to select 'linked', click the arrow on the 'Add' button when you select your existing file

what this script does not do - get latest from TFS, I usually do that part manually or from ccnet

the c# bit that goes in the nant script block above
NOTE: see updated version of this code block

nant is awesome!


Mahendra Mavani said...

I was looking for this solution, since long. Thanks for providing this sample. It works great on my project

rok said...

Seems that this solution doesn't work with TFS2010, but thanks for the idea, I'll use it as a base for my project :)